Where is the library located?
In La Entrada, Honduras, in the northern mountain range near Honduras' border with Guatemala. La Entrada is a large commercial center, home to almost 40,000 people in a nation of 7.5 million.
What is the library like?
It is currently in a storefront space owned by the city, located across the street from La Entrada's municipal complex in the city center. It has more nearly 2,000 books and averages 200 patrons each month. Many of these are students who use the library as a resource for homework, enrichment, or just pleasure reading.
Does the library have multimedia capabilities?
Not yet. Once renovations to the municipal building are complete, the library will move to a
larger space there. At that time, we would like to aquire more computers, learning software, and
phonics learning equipment for the library to help its patrons satisfy a wider range of needs.
Do you take used books?
Yes, but because the people of La Entrada speak and read Spanish, we do not accept books written in English.
How can I help?
Right now we are focused on maintaining the library and making a smooth transition to municipal control in February, 2011. If you would like to arrange for a speaking engagement, donate, or ask for more information, please contact Anne Hawkins.
Email: laentradalibraryproject@gmail.com
Telephone: 610-405-5452
Mail: 502 Dilworth Farm Lane
West Chester, PA 19382
and check back frequently for more updates here on our blog.
Photo by Teresa Hawkins
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